LG Inverter AC Error Code & LG Dual inverter error Code List
Briefly explain the importance of understanding error codes and how it helps in maintaining the optimal performance of LG Inverter AC units.
Common LG Inverter AC Error Codes
CH01 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Indoor unit room temperature sensor, Outdoor unit PCB blink 1 time
Troubleshooting Steps : Change the indoor room temperature sensor.
CH02 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Indoor unit room temperature sensor, Outdoor unit PCB blink 2 time
Troubleshooting Steps : Change the indoor room temperature sensor
CH03 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
indicates the unit has detected there is no refrigerant, Outdoor unit PCB blink 3 times
Troubleshooting Steps : Refill the refrigerant
CH04 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Float Switch error (Optional), Outdoor unit PCB blink 4 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to try resetting the system
CH05 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Communication error between indoor & outdoor unit, Outdoor unit PCB blink 5 times
Troubleshooting Steps : Check Communication wire between indoor and outdoor.
CH06 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Indoor unit outlet pipe sensor, Outdoor unit PCB blink 6 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to change outlet pipe sensor.
CH09 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Outdoor fan not rotating, Outdoor unit PCB blink 9 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check outdoor fan motor.
CH10 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Indoor unit BLDC motor not rotating, Outdoor unit PCB blink 10 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check Indoor unit BLDC motor.
CH12 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Indoor unit middle pipe sensor error, Outdoor unit PCB blink 12 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check Indoor middle pipe sensor.

CH21 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
DC Peak OPM Fault, Outdoor unit PCB blink 21 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check OPM.
CH22 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
CT 2 (max CT), Outdoor unit PCB blink 22 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check CT.
CH23 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
DC link low voltage, Outdoor unit PCB blink 23 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check DC link Voltage.
CH26 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
DC Compressor position error, Outdoor unit PCB blink 26 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check DC Compressor position.
CH29 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Compressor phase over current, Outdoor unit PCB blink 29 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check Compressor phase current.
CH32 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Inverter Compressor D-Pipe overheat, Outdoor unit PCB blink 32 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check Inverter Compressor D-Pipe.
CH35 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Low pressure sensor Low, Outdoor unit PCB blink 35 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check pressure sensor.
CH36/38 (LG Inverter AC Error Code)
Refrigerant leakage detection, Outdoor unit PCB blink 36/38 times
Troubleshooting Steps : You have to check refrigerant leakage